Friday 3 April 2015

Singing Technique 3

Setting targets 

Setting targets is essential for the development of my voice, and if you want to improve any skill over time.  The best targets are SMART ones:

I have set myself some targets for the Easter holidays:

1. Working on vocal range to get to the stage that I was at last year as I have ever so slightly dropped a bit.

2. Working on breath control. I personally need to work on this as I have been ill recently, my breath control is not as good as it previously was, also with my asthma being worse, now I need to learn how to control my breath whilst singing, so that no issues occur.

Choosing appropriate technical exercises 

Technical exercises help you improve your tone and technique. It is important to choose the right exercises for yourself so that you don't injure your voice, make sure that the exercises you choose sit in your vocal range and are comfortable to do, use Shelley Kristen or even use YouTube.  Here are some of Shelley Kristen's exercises and some that are for my own vocal range.

Under taking a regular practice regime 

Holiday practice regime 

1. Humming - to warm up voice as soon as i get up.
2. Scales and Arpeggios - for vocal range 
3. Manyya - for breath control 
4. Hey u exercise - for projection 
5. 3-4 Solo songs - to practice and to be off book 
6. Any group songs - so that I can be off book and know what I'm doing so that I can sing as an ensemble.

then repeat in the late evening. 

Term time practice regime

1. Humming- to warm up voice as soon as i get up.
2. Scales and Arpeggios- for vocal range 
3. Manyya- for breath control 
4. Hey u exercise- for projection 

then in the evening when home

1. Humming - to warm up voice as soon as i get up.
2. Scales and Arpeggios - for vocal range 
3. Manyya - for breath control 
4. Hey u exercise - for projection 
5. 3-4 Solo songs - to practice and to be off book 
6. Any group songs - so that I can be off book and know what I'm doing so that I can sing as an ensemble.
7. Sight reading exercises - to keep in time with music 
8. Sight singing exercises - to practice singing back a phrases 

Reviewing progress

Reviewing progress is an essential last stage in improving a skill. I have made great progress over the lasts few months with voice control eg. with breath and range as well as projection (what has been a great challenge as I am softly spoken) and diction and pronunciation whilst singing so that now I'm understood better.

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